
Heart Prayers for Peace in the World

It seems our lovely human family is becoming caught in a wave of fear, anger & hatred which is being energised by every ounce of energy we send to it - which is what happens every time we look at another sensational news update or social media post or allow negative feelings to engulf us. It's natural to be concerned, very concerned, and to do whatever we can to help but by becoming embroiled in a wholesale atmosphere of fear and loathing, we are feeding exactly what we fear. We are feeding war.

So may we offer this Heart Prayer of Peace for the World as a way of feeding peace and unity for all of human-kind. We invite everyone to join with this Heart Prayer at least once a day and to please include all the dear people of Russia, including her soldiers and politicians and leaders, as well as the dear people of Ukraine and all the world leaders. Feel out from your heart, as you would feel out in darkness for a hand to hold, feel out for the light, the divinity which is within all of us, and share the deep heartfelt wish of all people for Peace. Please join with us in this Heart Prayer for Peace on Earth. Thank you. May Peace be with us All. Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthii

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